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TIMISOARA: Public investment of 200 million lei in development

Public investment underway in Timisoara are exceeding 200 million lei and will have a crucial impact on the future development of the city, in the opinion of Silviu Ciprian Cadariu, the chief-architect of the municipality. The most important works aimed at upgrading public space in the historical city center, restoration and rehabilitation of Bega Cannel banks, restoration of three high schools - buildings which are included in the historical monuments list. To the development of Timisoara will contribute also some private investment funds, the largest ones being represented by trade platform developed by NEPI and Dedeman, on the place of former factory Dermatina or the works of remodeling the facilities placed in the historical districts of the city, such as, in particular, former stocks factory, where investors have retained a valuable part of the old building and will integrate new structures. Public investment in Timisoara, in progress in this period, totals hundreds of millions of lei and the impact on future development of the city is crucial. It must be recalled the rehabilitation of public space in the historic center by transforming ten streets into pedestrian zones and reconfiguring four markets, a project of 65 million lei which by size and approach will align Timisoara in the tradition of European cities. The project will be completed by the end of this year. Also, the rehabilitation of Bega Canal banks will create a recreational corridor of 8 km of bike lanes and walkways, following an investment of 50 million lei. Recently completed and put into service is passage Michelangelo, an investment of 52 million lei, which relieve the traffic in one of the busiest intersections in Timisoara. All the major works, often pose challenges both for manufacturers and designers. Also, as well as in all major cities in Romania, in Timisoara is unfolding a great thermal rehabilitation campaign, with dozens of projects in progress.


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