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TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL: The window sector is developing during recession

Despite the prolonged economic crisis, the local market of thermal insulating windows has a good dynamic, and new business initiatives are reflected both by products and services. It is important that, in recent years, the specialized entities began the funding of development tests, because this field was ignored to date by local companies. Such an approach is highly appreciated especially because, given the tightening trading rules of construction products in the European Economic Area, it will be increasingly difficult to accept constructive solutions in the absence of scientific documents certifying their compliance with the intended use. In what concerns the products, it seems that more and more suppliers and distributors use the opportunities offered by the crisis to diversify their portfolios and provide to their partners customized solutions in terms of maximizing economic returns. Due to the increasing demands of customers, companies must provide a better response to the needs of beneficiaries. In this respect, the most important international exhibitions that have a direct connection with the windows and doors offer new and interesting topics for debate. These are obviously focused on the subject of energy efficiency, and all the future tradeshows which will take place in Germany, France and Italy will organize conferences to provide comprehensiveness to the subject. Event organizers are very optimistic about the audience, considering that it is likely to exceed all records in matter of visitors and participants. From the most famous manifestations such as Fensterbau/Frontale, MadeExpo and Vitrum will not miss innovations, many companies announcing already exciting news. It is increasingly clear that the current economic crisis cannot be anymore an obstacle in the development process, transforming itself on long term in a driving force for the industry. In the following part, are presented a few examples that illustrate eloquently the ideas mentioned above.



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