Based on data provided by Eurostat regarding the production of PVC joinery in our country (including value and quantitative indicators) and according some predictions of the National Commission for Prognosis – CNP on the evolution of the volume of construction works medium term (until 2020), were establish, with some degree of accuracy, some estimates concerning the dynamics of production of PVC windows. From the outset, it must be said that the evolution of this segment will influence the entire market for thermal insulated joinery, given the large share of PVC products which will not change soon. Also, the producers diversified their permanent offer, including one designated to foreign markets, which became very profitable lately. According Eurostat, the level in 2015 (the latest year for which full statistics were available) the assemblies of PVC had a share of almost 78% of sales. At a certain distance, came the wooden doors with 14.4% and windows made by the same material (about 3.5%), aluminum assemblies (2.6%) and steel windows/doors (1.5%). It should be noted that this chapter doesn’t include import/export operations. Also, must emphasize that PRODCOM codes on which were established data on production in Romania refers only to windows, doors, frames, sashes, frames and thresholds in PVC, wood, steel and aluminum, without being considered special constructions like curtain walls, conservatories and skylights, which could not be properly identified. In any case, one can consider that if the CNP growth indicators translate into reality for every analyzed segment, PVC share will not change, even by 2020. Turning to developments of PVC production, may be taken into consideration the data in 2015, when in our country were produced 3.5 million units, amounting to 281 million euro. Since the CNP, in its latest document, estimated for 2016 a decrease of -3.1% in the volume of construction works and because the evolution of the analyzed segment cannot differ from the market to which is addressed - the same downward pace is expected (in the most unfavorable scenario) also for PVC windows segment.
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Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
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- Declaraţii şi comentarii ale principalilor factori de decizie /formatori de opinie;
- Sinteza unor studii de piaţă realizate de către organizaţii abilitate;
- Date despre noile produse şi tehnologii lansate pe piaţă.