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Efficient technologies revolutionizing the field of HVAC

The provisions of the EU directive on energy efficiency of existing buildings (EPBD) that have been completely transposed into Europe 20-20-20 strategy with significant scope for expansion by the middle of this century already exert a noticeable impact on technology trends, including the production of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment. Basically, in the last decade, systems providers competed to propose alternatives to traditional solutions, and managed to launch a range of great technologies. The requirement that stipulates that by the end of this decade about 20% of energy to be produced from renewable resources was the main catalyst for innovation processes. Trust enjoyed by the green resources in consumers' minds encourages, in turn, developments in this area. HVAC has been one of the most sensitive industries to these changes, inducing accelerated changes sometimes radical by technical point of view. Geothermal alternatives or those based on transformation of solar energy into heat are most visible on the market, whereas propose using less conventional methods, but characterized by incredible efficiency indicators. Of course, even in present when the proposals of suppliers shall be placed at the limit "state of the art", is clear that the process will not stop here, being expected that new technologies to replace the current alternatives to increase the net yield. The reality is that even in the most developed countries in the world, the most used resource is energy produced from fossil fuels (which in many cases accounts for over 80% of total primary energy). This can be perceived but also as a unique opportunity for the development of alternatives HVAC segment, which, realistically, have a much higher potential than the one currently registered. In the following, are presented several systems and materials that have proven their reliability in practice and are used on a fairly large scale, especially in projects where the requirements regarding classes of sustainability are extremely tough.


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