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ANALYSIS: The market of construction equipments, back on an upward trend

The local market for construction machinery has returned to a growth trend in 2014, marking the first time since the onset of recession in the industry when companies report sales increases. After 2013, when the analyzed segment felt below the value of 100 million euro, the sector grew by 20% at the end of last year, and the specialized market reached 120 million in the last year. In quantitative terms, the machinery segment has exceeded for the first time since 2008, the level of 1,000 units sold, some distributors indicating even the 1,500 threshold for new units sold in 2014. For the current year, the main competitors in the field estimate an increase of 10% compared to 2014, which could boost the construction machinery market at over 130 million euro. In the next period, the sales will be supported by the demand from completed projects financed by European funds, while, in terms of customer preferences, the top seller remain crawler loaders, which represents about 50% of the market. During the recession, construction machinery market has dropped by around 50%-60%. The main active distributors in Romania are: Terra România (JCB dealer), Marcom (Komatsu), Bergerat Monnoyeur (Cat) and Powertek Group (Terex). The first half of 2014 represented a disastrous period for most competitors in the equipment rental market, and significant decreases being recorded as against the same period in 2013 and compared with the results of the second quarter of the current year (January to June). In contrast, in the first half of 2015, continued a positive trend in the sector, being recorded 12 consecutive months of sustained development. Estimates for the entire year are favorable for the equipments rental market in Romania, even despite the reduction in public investment. If the Government actually revives the investment program and allocates resources for major projects (infrastructure, utilities, energy, education, sport), Romania could have an even better year in 2016 than was recorded in the previous period.


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