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ANALYSIS: Garage/metal doors market estimated at 40 million euro

Although during the recession the construction sector was the most affected economic segment, with a decline estimated at more than 40%, the demand of garage doors and especially automatic doors, usually installed in office buildings, malls, hotels etc. has been fluctuating and based, including on exports. However, the fact that the construction market increased by more than 10% in the first half of 2015 (by volume of works), supported, mainly, by the trend of real estate projects (as the infrastructure currently record an unsatisfactory rate) should be impetus enough for the this sector to make it to become again profitable. Furthermore, the structure of issuance of building permits between January and June shows that many residential buildings is done in areas where installation of garage doors is already a necessity. In Eurostat database, garage doors are framed in a broader PRODCOM code (other metal steel doors, thresholds for doors/windows and adjoining frames). Aggregated data for 2013 indicates that, in this segment, the most significant sales (value of units produced and delivered) is performed in Germany (1.73 billion euro), followed by Italy (1.54 billion euro) and France (918.4 million euro). The largest amount in terms of production is recorded in Ireland (21.8 million units), Belgium (16.8 million units) and Poland (15.2 million units). Quantities of garage doors manufactured and supplied on Polish market profile ranges thus 17.1% of total sales in the EU but counts only 3.7% of their total value. The current information indicate a market volume of 89 million units for the EU steel door, which worth 6.59 billion euro. Romania counts in the structure with a total of 50.610 units per year, amounting 14.25 million euro, close in value with Lithuania (44,153 units and 14.42 million euro), Greece (90 425 units and 15.75 million euro) and Hungary (43 326 units and 17.01 million euro). It should be noted that these data only indicate the value and quantity related to domestic production, intra- imports and exports being shown separately. 


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