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ANALISYS: Growth of wooden joinery sales on external markets

Faced lately with significant variations in demand and promoting assemblies in the "elite" category, the wooden joinery manufacturers active on the domestic market have identified in recent years the optimal method which can support the sales, namely exports. Currently, such operations are performed at a level at which the surplus in terms of capacity can be kept in operation, under relative conditions of profitability. Thus, most managers in the industry consider that deliveries abroad represent the only way to ensure the compensation of losses registered in this field. However, when taking into account the statistical data provided by the National Statistics Institute (INS), can be easily observe the reality that, in 2014, the export of wood joinery increased in value by nearly 24% compared to the previous 12 months, which is a prerequisite to support the business of specialized companies. According to INS data, if we analyze the ranking of countries where Romanian wooden assemblies manufacturers delivered their products, are easily to see that these are fewer than in the case of the PVC joinery, being constituted mainly by those states which have a great potential for absorption, represented, in order of value, by France, Belgium, Britain, respectively Hungary, Italy and Slovakia, which currently has replaced Germany (with a totaled about two million euro). Only in France, were exported over 80,000 units, which made this destination to overcome the other trading partners. On the second position from this point of view is Great Britain. Unlike PVC windows, wood exports recorded a relatively steep depreciation, followed by sporadic and inconsistent increases, except last year. In this regard, from a reference value in 2008, in the first year of recession was reported a decline of -8.59% and for the next 12 months occurred a throughout  fall (-11.55%). Only in 2011 was observed a jump of + 38.31%, bringing the value to a relatively satisfactory threshold, followed in 2012 by an impairment of -13.93%. In 2013, as stated above, export depreciated again (-18.34%), followed by unexpected jump of 24% in 2014.


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