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ANALISYS: Import prices indicate the predominance of cheap hardware

The market of hardware systems designated to manufacture of thermal insulating joinery has recorded in the past two years some changes in structural terms. The phenomenon however is not obvious from simple quantitative or value analysis of imports, nor if it is made researches of average price declared by importers. Since the national hardware production has a little impact on the total supply, only the data about deliveries from external producers remain relevant and outlines, as is known, the size of the fenestration sector. But the unknown factor is constituted by the favorite types of systems used in Romania, namely market shares of basic products, of those who provide an average level of security and of those placed in the premium category, with special finishes and enhanced anti-burglary properties. In the absence of reliable data in terms of market shares of each category of systems, it requires special attention in terms of the structure of imports by country of origin, assuming that, according to data provided by National Statistics Institute (INS), the products delivered from certain Asian countries (China, with over 600 tons last year or even Thailand) would have technical characteristics in accordance with the lower price. Returning to the statistics, which is the only official source of information, it appears in 2014 imports of hardware systems have increased by 5% compared to 2013, which could be considered auspicious, if ignored all other items referred above. Remarkable is that the values communicated suggest a significant decrease in the average price up to a threshold level of around 3.926 euro/ton, which confirms the theory indicates sacrificing quality and simplified product orientation. In fact, this trend has been installed since 2009 (a difference of 25.38% because at that time the average price of imported hardware was 5,261 euro per ton) and is difficult to predict when this indicator will stabilize. Furthermore, while the top importers reported significant changes after overcoming the moment of the maximum intensity of the recession period, and German firms lost the first position in favor of Turkey, last year the ranking indicates, for the second consecutive time, certain changes that made German suppliers to place again on the first position in the market, both in value and quantity terms.


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