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SUSTAINABLE development through new solutions and traditional methods

The goal of improving the performance level and quality combinations of windows and curtain walls is mandatory for the evolution of the industry and constitute a prerequisite for the current sustainability targets. In the new economic conditions which have been installed with the imbalances generated by the latest recession, the manufacturers in the field have begun to realize increasingly the necessity to apply corrections that guarantee an increased performance for the finished products, including changes in component systems which are both endowment frames and insulating glass units. To achieve this objective, several measures can be taken that, by applying in a single package, could lead to the proposed targets. An important mention is that those solutions are not unique, nor exhaustive, but experience has already shown that it is an important step towards a sustainable development. According the tests carried out by experts of IFT Rosenheim, a first method which could have beneficial and immediate effects is the use of innovative materials and finishing elements which provide lower thermal conductivity and emissivity to ensure, by default, an improvement of thermal insulation. Also, must not be neglected the geometry of profiles - where are imposed successive optimizations both in terms of the number of isolation rooms, the thickness of the inner walls of profiles and inserts the additional elements to mitigate the conductivity etc. Great results can also be obtained by providing additional sealing plans. Although such an alternative is not accepted by many theorists, however the reduction of constructive width of profiles, while increasing the share of glazing may exert beneficial effects in terms of heat insulation. Finally, limiting the thermal bridges by increasing the efficiency of connections is an idea that experts working for a long time while proposing new concepts of installation. The innovations do not stop there, if are to be mentioned only the developments in the field of glass (VIG panels with a thermal conductivity of 0.004 W/mK), sealants, multiple sashes allowing installation of solar control elements and ventilation devices etc.


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