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WOOD and composites for the building materials of the future

It's been a long period since the innovative materials "invaded" the windows and curtain walls market, being used in in most unexpected projects. The beneficial effects were not delayed, so in a relatively short time the industry progressed in a fulminant way, providing the necessary support to implement the strong foundation of sustainability. This is evident if taking into consideration the vulnerability of buildings, especially in terms of enveloping, whose sealing has been an ongoing objective. It seems that in the current era, most challenges were overcome and the future cannot reserve major surprises, given that the main development lines have already been drawn. This does not mean that research has become superfluous, but the moment is the one of "fine-tuning" to ensure system stability in an acceptable timeframe. The issue of light curtain wall structures made of wood profiles is quite complex, especially in terms of constructive principles that should be considered to control the excess of moisture. Assemblies in the category, usually used as an exterior coating elements must comply, among other things, strict requirements. The current provisions on energy efficiency exert a constant pressure towards developing this product, with a special attention to the characteristics of functionality or durability. Efficiency in terms of costs, together with conservation of rare resources are true milestones in the work of designers. Most changes are bearing wooden structures, given the requirement of resistance to humidity which they must comply. The only feasible objective is to limit the amount of penetrated liquid, while implementing measures to direct the residual elements outwards. It is appropriate, therefore, a thorough investigation of the causes that generate the afore mentioned problems, followed by the formulation of recommendations on the design perforations required to offset pressures. It can be said that the post-beam structures optimized in terms of heat, have excellent resistance to penetration of vapor, which lead to additional pressures in the beams. 


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