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IMPLEMENTATION of ecodesign directive on HVAC systems

One of the most important documents on the European Commission (EC) agenda, at this moment, is represented by the regulation aimed at putting into practice the provisions of Directive 2009/125/ EC of the European Parliament on the requirements of eco installations of HVAC equipments (air conditioning, air heating systems and high temperature chillers). According the derogation in the Article 8 of the Directive, until January 1’st, 2017 the Member States of the European Union had an obligation to allow the placing on the market or putting into service of products which comply with national laws on energy efficiency (valid until entry into force of this Regulation). Also, by the same date it was allowed the commercialization and installation of heat pumps and air conditioning appliances that comply with the legal provisions relating to emissions of nitrogen oxides. The premises underlying the need to adopt such a document are complex, being reviewed by European experts in the preamble to the regulation. Thus, the first ground is that the Directive should be established by the administration of Community requirements on the volume of production and sales of such systems, taking into consideration the environmental impact and potential for improvement in terms ecological terms of design, without to excessively transfer on marketing costs. Also, the Article 16 of the Directive requires the introduction of implementing measures to encourage the promotion of solutions with high potential for reducing the carbon dioxide emissions. The Commission experts have already completed two preliminary studies on the technical, environmental and economic HVAC equipment used in the European Union, which were conducted in collaboration with suppliers and the results proved to be relevant and useful for drafting the regulation. In this context, the most important elements proved to be the power consumption, noise and emissions of nitrogen oxides. It must be noted that the present norm applies to products ranging from HVAC operating based on natural gas, liquid fuels or electricity.


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