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VEKA: The focus is still on the Class A performance systems

The Veka Romania company, the local subsidiary of the German Group Veka AG - the world's market leader on PVC profile systems destined for the production of thermo-insulating joinery - announced a 25% growth of sales for 2012. The upward trend was already visible during the first five months of the previous year, when the company recorded an increase of  55% in terms of sales, marking, thus, the highest improvement out of all the existing branches from the 55 countries where the group is present at global level. Veka Romania reported a turnover around 15 million EUR and these results maintained the technological leading position of the company on the local market. The performance gains more significance if we take into consideration that the local economy goes through a recession period which continues to affect considerably the Romanian construction segment. One element that contributed to the obtaining of these increases is that of compliance with the requirements for admission to Class A, according to the regulations of SR EN 12608. As early as 2005, with the launch of the logistics center in Ciorogârla locality, Veka’s main objectives in Romania consisted in the widening of stocks and the increasing of the storage capacity. In present times, a unique system in the area of profile delivery is being managed. Furthermore, the company always has in stock a wide range of products not only in white colour, but also in shades most commonly used on the local plan. In what regards the measures taken in order to prevent the occurrence of negative effects caused by the current recession, Veka Romania benefited permanently from several major advantages in the management of financial problems caused by the economic crisis. Considering the requirements of the new version of the energy efficiency of buildings directive (31/2010/EC), which requires that all buildings must be constructed from 2020 under a "nearly zero energy" level regime, it is clear that high quality products will benefit from important competitive advantages as the requirements imposed by the European norm are almost impossible to achieve if the high-performance technical solutions are not employed. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!


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