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SUKI: Orientation to business opportunities with maximum profitability

The thermo-insulating joinery manufacturer Suki Group, headquartered in locality Moara Vlăsiei - Ilfov, was able to manage optimally the challenges of the recession. In 2012, the company's management balanced the financial situation and reported significant increases of revenues. Thus, in the past fiscal year, the company achieved a turnover of 2.7 million EUR, registering an increase of approximately 30% over the previous financial period. The most dynamic segment was the wrapping activity which recorded a tripling of earnings, up to the level of 0.9 million EUR. The increase was a result of the strategy implemented at the company’s level, which implied a predominant orientation towards profitable operations. In what concerns the manufacture of thermo-insulating joinery, the sales reported a 12% increase representing an outstanding performance if compared to the situation on the market in Romania. The quality of the wrapping services is monitored constantly and assiduously through the internal verification system of specific parameters. Furthermore, regular independent verifications are made in the specialized laboratories of one of the customers in Germany. Given the specific difficulties of the economic crisis from the last four years (out of which the most important were related to the decrease of the number of orders, the hardening of conditions for works contracting and the increase of the beneficiaries’ demands), the company's management finds it difficult to estimate a time when that domain might revive. However, the management of Suki Group believes that, for 2013, an increase of 10% in the segment of PVC windows is possible. An interesting observation would be that the orientation almost exclusively on export of major local companies remains quite risky, especially as the economic crisis deepens in the targeted regions and the various public programs which encourage actions of energy efficiency for buildings can be stopped at any time, either because they have completed their period of validity, or for the lack of financial resources. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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