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SEKISUI: Pipe rehabilitation through spiral technologies gaining ground

The company Sekisui SPR Romania, a division of Sekisui Chemical - Japan, is active on the local market of pipeline rehabilitation since 2002, promoting an innovative technology that involves specific operations without involving the realization of excavations. From a financial standpoint, the company realized in 2013 a turnover of over two million euro, meaning an increase of about 18%, which shows increasing interest in the technologies offered by the local representative of the Japanese group. According to local management, the medium and long term prospects are optimistic, given that European legislation favoring such an option (especially if the pipes to rehabilitate are installed under the road routes that have been rehabilitated by the use of structural funds). Also a great potential consists of the necessary work in the historic areas of cities, where excavations could generate significant damage. Part of a large-scale international corporation involved in a multitude of areas of chemical industry, on Romanian market company is specialized in the application of technologies consisting in trenchless pipeline rehabilitation - SPR (Spiral Pipe Rehabilitation), CIPP, pipe bursting etc. One major advantage is that the technology implemented exclusively using materials promoted by Sekisui Chemical ensuring total control over the quality of those operations. The Japanese business strategy is «value chain» orientated, the installation of solutions being made through own teams. The cooperation with foreign companies is accepted only on those very narrow segment where the Sekisui has not involvement. In terms of method, SPR products division has the ability to completely manage the rehabilitation process piping. As regards the method of "spiraling", Sekisui hold patent and authorization for implementation. A market niche where the company has a competitive advantage is the network tubes installed at great depths.


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