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PINUM WINDOWS & DOORS: Investments planned for this year

Pinum Doors & Windows company - part of Nusco Group - has recorded, in the previous financial year, a turnover of 6 million euro and aims to increase the sales in 2015 to achieve a growth level of 30%. For the current year, the management is considering investments at headquarters in Bucharest, intending also to expand the showroom in Pipera to 1,300 sqm and to open a new store in Cotroceni. In this way, the showrooms total area will be one of the largest in Eastern Europe, providing the possibility to present all the products of the company. At the same time, Pinum management established an ambitious target to increase the export share through a level of 25% in total sales. Currently, such operations are carried out in Italy, the North African countries (such as Lebanon or Algeria), and also in Armenia, where is active a dealer network. Nusco Group has specialized, since the early of 60's, in the production of interior doors and wood joinery, and after that was involving also in the PVC field. The group owns one of the most advanced production facilities located in central and southern Italy and holds a high market share on peninsular market, albeit in Italy there are many similar factories. The development potential for PVC joinery segment in Romania is very high, according to Pinum managers opinion, as the new projects are emerged these days. On the contrary, in Italy, the conditions are more difficult, because of the lack of new buildings. Instead, purchase prices are much higher than in Romania, where is recorded a very low level due to unfair competition. In this regard, is imperative the relevant authorities to adopt certain strategies with a legal basis to stop the work of producers who do not comply with any of the rules and regulations imposed  both by Romanian and the Union European legislation. Also, the Romanian authorities should consider to reduce the amount of VAT to 5% for all residential projects, irrespective of their purchase value. Overall, the development potential is quite high and the domestic construction market was already registered a significant increase.


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