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EURO-FEREASTRA 2015 conference was a successful conference

On 25 May 2015, the International Conference on Joinery and Curtain Walls Systems EURO-Fereastra (the seventh edition) - a traditional event for the market - opened its doors to over 360 specialists. The session works were carried out in parallel with the International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency EURO-Constructii (the fourth edition). The audience was made up of specialists in carpentry, construction, installation and related fields, architects, planners, local and central authorities, members of professional organizations etc. Held in the Hall Atlas of Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest, the attendants participating in this symposium has the opportunity to take part for the second time on the awards gala of EURO-Constructii and EURO-Fereastra 2015. A theme of broad interest was the window CEE market analysis with current trends and short- and medium-term forecasts. In this sense, Alexandra Peštová, consultant to the company Interconnection Consulting Group in Austria, announced to the audience that according to current projections the market for thermal insulating joinery in the group of countries consists of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria will remain dominated by PVC assemblies, and in 2015 will reach a slightly upward trend, which will speed up in 2018, at a pace that will exceed the average level of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. However, it should be borne in mind that, during the recession, the Eastern European demand has shrank drastically, reaching approximately 39.7 million units in 2014, worth 5.35 billion euro. For 2015, despite the recovery efforts in the region, it is estimated an amount of 32.3 million units, worth 3.75 billion euro and by 2018 it will reach 29.7 million units and 3.6 billion euro. The relative decrease is generated by the falling demand in Russia and Ukraine. But if exclude the two countries, affected by a prolonged geopolitical crisis, the situation is less dramatic, indicating 11.5 million units and 1.78 billion euro in 2015, and 12.1 million units and 1.94 billion euro in 2018.


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