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EDITORIAL: Bankruptcy - result of adverse market conditions

One of the most pressing issues hich affects during this period the activity on the windows and doors sector is represented by the "wave" of companies that, in one form or another, have triggered the insolvency proceedings. Although at a superficial glance, things seem to fit into the natural evolution of a functional capitalist economy, the situation is far from normal. Much of the blame is being waged in this specific case, on the ambiguity of the law that regulates specific operations (the law 85/2006, amended and republished in 2010), which allows interpretations that constitute real obstacles to the healthy development of the business. In short, instead of being an instrument of "rehabilitation" for the analyzed segment, insolvency is rather the most convenient way to facilitate financial irregularities and affects, thus, by default, the profitability of firms which respect the rules of fair competition. The exact number of companies that have already appealed to the solution specified above is not important because it is known that producers active in the branch of windows and curtain walls have already been decimated by the negative effects of the economic crisis. Amid the drastic decrease in orders, turnover in the sector diminished four times in the last five years, more than half of the companies active in 2008 declaring bankruptcy before 2010. However, the market is still interesting for some compelling entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to exploit the opportunities arising from the current form of the law of insolvency. The system suppliers, who can not find another alternative to the current system of delivery with deferred payment, suffer most. The phenomenon is very complex and requires a more thorough analysis, in the attempt to identify possible ways to solve the problem. The simplest handy solution, which does not depend on the business segment, but on the public administration is a correct and unambiguous regulation of insolvency and bankruptcy. Such an approach has already been started by governmental authorities, who announced that the new Insolvency Code will be promulgated soon. 


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