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BUILDING SITES: Resumption of public and private investments in March

A number of projects funded both by public and private funds will be resumed in the spring of this year, given the large number of properties in all market segments that are in advanced stages of negotiation or bidding. Furthermore, the volume of real estate transactions recorded in the last quarter of last year was valued at 514 million EUR, while the entire 2014 indicator totaled 1.3 billion EUR, reaching the second highest value in history. The largest transactions consist of the acquisition by NEPI of the Promenade Mall for about 148 million EUR and the takeover by P3 of the Europolis Park for more than 100 million EUR. Globalworth and NEPI seem to be the most active local developers also in 2015. In terms of public investment, the thermal rehabilitation of residential buildings program seems to enhance, given the large number of tenders published in the SEAP within the first two months of this year.
In order to support the works of the thermal rehabilitation of residential buildings financed by bank loans with government guarantee, which was not successful in the recent past, the Romanian Government - through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) - has developed a draft resolution aimed at granting a threshold of guarantees in the amount of 10 million RON, during 2015. According to the OUG no. 69/2010, approved with amendments by Law no. 76/2011 (governing this program) the threshold will provide easier access to the owners associations (legal persons without patrimonial access) and the owners of single family homes (individuals) towards bank loans granted by the credit institutions with government guarantee and with subsidized interest for the execution of the intervention works on the thermal rehabilitation of residential buildings. In the program there can also be included the buildings built and delivered by the end of 2000.


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