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ATENOR GROUP has appointed Alpine Bau to construct Hermes Business Campus

In 2011, the Belgian real estate development company Atenor Group initiated the first phase – out of three - of the construction of Hermes Business Campus, a new office complex in the Dimitrie Pompeiu business district of Bucharest. The infrastructure of the second building (B) is now finished and ready for the construction of the superstructure. After an invitation to tender, the developer has designated the austrian construction company Alpine Bau GmbH as general contractor for the first phase of the building of this first phase. With its 18.000 sqm rentable area (2.000 sqm rentable floor area per level) and designed according to the highest international standards (A Class), building B from HBC project will cover all technological progress regarding sustainable construction, spatial flexibility and energy efficiency. HBC will be certified BREEAM “Excellent” (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment) which represents the best rating a building can obtain regarding its sustainability aspect. The construction of building B will be finished by the end of November 2013 and will therefore be available to future tenants as of 1st of January 2014. Contacts and negotiations with multinational companies are on-going. Most of them are very sensitive to the green aspect of the project. Considered to be one of the symbol projects of the strategy of Atenor Group, Hermer Building Campus will have 78,000 sqm of ultramodern office spaces and 46,000 sqm of parking and technical services. Located close to three main streets of Bucharest (Dimitrie Pompeiu, Barbu Vacarescu and Petricani), opposite the Pipera metro station and close to Baneasa and Otopeni international airports - the new office compound will be easily accessible.  On 18h of October 2012, the group has issued a 5 year bond for an amount of € 60 million in the form of a public offering to individual and institutional investors in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The net proceeds of the offering will be allocated to the financing of the construction of the projects in the portfolio including Hermes Business Campus. Detailed information are available on


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