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AUTOMATION to streamline the future buildings

The ascending trends in the automation process manifested with increased intensity including in the construction field and, especially, in the branch electrical systems, are obvious in recent years. Many conferences and scientific forums are addressing complex problems interconnecting various fields such as information technology, electronics, telecommunications, etc. Of course, a lot of these topics have a high degree of difficulty, being in conceptual phases, but it is expected that the elements which lies currently in theoretical forms to translate quickly into practical applications, contributing directly to increase the process efficiency, improve the outcomes, enhance the usability, improve the user comfort indicators etc. A significant contribution in this direction is exerted by the depth research and application of fundamental principles of “the border science” who have a real chance to transform into major sectors of specialization in the future. The impact of information technology (IT) on the construction industry is undeniable, and this influence is expressed consistently by more than two decades. Things advanced over the period, at this moment the level of integration of various building systems, which working together to ensure a high level of accessibility, safety and efficiency, is very high. Evolution does not stop at the solutions for integrated management of buildings, the standards, regulations and rules adopted internationally being elements to boost a real progress in that direction. In the next period, the demand for specialists in the field of automation will increase constantly, these experts alongside highly trained programmers, being indispensable to coordinate and supervise the processes in order to ensure the necessary continuity and debugging in case of disaster. Lately, a lot of new solutions have already entered the industry and exert noticeable effects in terms of efficiency and operational performance.


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