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THE EVOLUTION in the first half of 2016 IS encouraging

In a similar way as the same period in the previous 12 months, as a result of maintaining the national economy on an upward trend (though still fragile and under the real potential for growth on a sustainable basis), the relevant indicators of the current period continues, on the one hand, to reflect the uncertainties of the domestic business environment, and, on the other hand, to denote prerequisites much more favorable as in the past for the companies in the windows branch. Although the first half of the current year induced, a certain prosperity in economic terms, the domestic demand remains fragile. One of the few solutions for most companies operating on windows and doors market is constituted by export. In this context, managers of companies in the industry take more efforts to stabilize or increase their sales, and for the second half of 2016 they are expecting a recovery. As is known, the season sales for windows is in full swing - and should provide new opportunities for companies in the industry - but syncope recorded in a program that should ensure orders growth (ie the rehabilitation of multi-storied buildings). In our country, the flow of orders oh the joinery segment is further fragmented so that more and more companies in the industry will supplement their revenues from exports. For the current year is estimated an increase in turnover in the field, compared to the aggregate value of the previous 12 months, when the main 993 manufacturers (included in a list larger specialized companies, active on the market) showed a progress of + 22% of incomes (expressed in euro) compared with 2014. Although the cumulative turnover not exactly indicate the total market value it should be noted that for 2015, the 993 manufacturers have officially reported total revenue of 1.27 billion euro, in contrast to 2014, when they recorded 1.05 billion euro.


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