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SAINT-Gobain: Romania - an important investment destination for group

In 2015, Saint-Gobain has celebrated 350 years of uninterrupted activity, being one of the oldest industrial companies in the world. The group is among the top 100 companies globally and is one of the most innovative 100 companies, according to "Top 100 Global Innovators", conducted by Thomson Reuters. In Romania, Saint-Gobain has eight activities (Abrasives, BRØDRENE Dahl Glass, Isover MTI Impex, WFP, Rigips and Weber), with approximately 1,100 employees and 12 production units in eight industrial sites, located in Brasov, Braneşti, Calarasi, Ploiesti, Satu Mare, Tulcea, Turda and Suceava. According to the company management, Saint-Gobain group conducted business in Romania 163 million, in 2014. In 2011-2015, the company invested 44 million euro in Romania, especially in upgrading factories and developing new production techniques in environmental protection, employee training, but also in new manufacturing units. In the context of returning to an upward trend of the local market of construction in 2015 and efforts for remediation the economic environment, investors' appetite for the placement of capital in Romania is growing, in the opinion of Constantin Hariton, general delegate deputy of Saint-Gobain in Romania and CEO of Saint-Gobain Construction Products Romania - Rigips and Isover Business Units. "Most investors applaud DNA institution and the cleaning process in the area political and economical area, waiting for the moment when economics will be much less dependent on the political environment than are in present. This will not happen immediately, but small steps are made every day. Economy recovers slightly but not yet in the pace we need", said the manager of Saint-Gobain. According to Constantin Hariton, it is disastrous situation in national infrastructure, the failures in execution of concession roads, railways and the urban networks are particularly serious for the country's economic growth and attractiveness towards investors. "We have no highway completed from beginning to end and the Capital has not a true and functional ring road. The situation must be analyzed carefully, determine the causes and those responsible punished severely", said the director of Saint-Gobain.


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