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CONSTRUCTORS: The receivables due to builders maintain at 800 million EUR

The receivables due by the public authorities and the local construction companies for performed works maintain at 800 million EUR, according to the Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ARACO). "We also have a big problem with the large periods of time after which the late payments are done. For example, in 2012, the average debt recovery was of 9 months, which has made many healthy companies not to resist the economic imbalances and face in the end the financial insolvency proceedings. Unfortunately, those insolvencies, that have among their main causes also the payments delayed by state capital beneficiaries - make the economic and social price to be paid ultimately by the company, shareholders and employees while the fault belongs to other "actors", said Laurentiu Plosceanu, the CEO of ARACO. For the ongoing year, Laurentiu Plosceanu estimates a maintaining of the market value at the level of 9.3 billion EUR recorded in recent years. "The start for a possible revival of investment in 2014 has already been missed. The current year has two election dimensions and, despite that, objectively, during those kind of years, there is an increase of the conjectural investments, there is no reason to estimate a favourable economic impact in 2014", said Laurentiu Plosceanu.


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