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Communication, transparency and professionalism, to overcome recession

This year was not so successful for Romanian thermo-insulated window industry, a lot of companies reporting depreciations of their own financial performances. This is mainly the negative effect of a prolonged recession, which has affected equally the system suppliers and producers. Of course, all the participants in construction activity suffered because of the low level of demand, but the most affected was the branch of products designed to be installed on the final stages of a project, such as windows, curtain walls etc. Even so, it must be said that the producers and suppliers had different reactions in similar circumstances. It is easy to observe after a deep analysis, what could be defined as a strong difference between the two mentioned categories. By taking benefit from the international experience, the companies in the first group had already implemented advanced marketing strategies, and obtained first of all the improvement of communication abilities. This aspect helped them to overcome the inherent difficulties which occurred during the economical crisis, and gave them the chance to develop in good conditions, without considerable decreases of the financial performance. Not the same could be said about the window producers, most of them choosing an opposite politics that consisted in hiding the financial results and missing every communication strategy. This option is fundamentally wrong, and can generate even bankruptcy in short time. This is why the need for professional communication is mandatory for the analyzed field, and the most urgent measures companies need to take in the next period refer to: professionalizing their own marketing team or outsourcing this activity; participating to international trade fairs and giving active support for specialized conferences; ensuring the necessary transparence of financial results; taking proactive measures of direct marketing; ensuring a continuous presence in the specialized magazines, in order to prove the financial consistency of the company. Without this kind of actions, the bankruptcy is only a matter of time. Only the economical players who have the capacity to understand the need of mentioned matters will be able to withstand on a more and more tough windows market. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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