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ANALYSIS: The decline of glazing deliveries, offset by exports

In the absence of data on the production of glass for architectural applications, which could shape a market overview of the field, the only information available for this area remain the ones concerning the imports. Thus, after the stabilization in 2011 of deliveries for float and Low-E glazing supplies from abroad, last year recorded a decrease, the same trend being noted in the first quarter of this year. Furthermore, the representatives of companies in the branch expect a stabilizing drive or - in a more pessimistic view - a decrease in the deliveries of glass and thermo-insulating glass for the last half of 2013, although the currently negative influence of key macroeconomic indicators will be gradually replaced by signals of actual sales revival, which will become more visible in 2014. In fact, next year is seen by most economic analysts as a period which will record a more sustained increase of the Gross Domestic Product - PIB of our country. The experts expect a growth of 2.2%. Furthermore, the opinions of the executive managers of major companies in the industry are characterized by a realistic view, most of them claiming - after four and a half years of experience of economic crisis - the fact that the non-payment of debts is the main obstacle that hinders the work in the field. The latest analysis of the thermo-insulating glass manufacturers branch developed by the analytical department of the Fereastra magazine (developed on the basis of data received from 114 major companies in the field), shows that during recession the companies recorded turnovers of 215.9 million EUR in 2008, 187.3 million EUR in 2009 (-13%), 184.6 million EUR in 2010 (-1%) and 190.4 million EUR in 2011 (+3%). In conclusion, the current situation is characterized by a moderate pessimism of most company managers from the industry, which indicates that they are ready at any time to meet the potential hazards involved by a possible degradation of the current economic context - which has already deteriorated compared to last year. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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