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ANALYSIS: Fluctuations in sales of wood products designated to joinery industry

Like their counterparts involved in operations of manufacturing PVC windows, wooden joinery producers operating on the domestic market identified lately the exports as one of the few opportunities to maintain their own production capacities at a relative operating profitability. Thus, most managers in the industry believe that deliveries abroad constitute a panacea that would provide the chances to revitalize this industrial sector, hardly hit by the effects of the recession. However, when taking into account the statistical data provided by the National Statistics Institute (INS) can be easily observed that, in 2013, exports of wood products declined in value by about 19% compared to the previous 12 months, which represents a real negative impact on the specialized business. According to INS information, if analyzing the top of countries where Romanian companies directed their assemblies, it is easy to see that the number of external destinations is less compared to the one afferent to the PVC joinery shipped abroad. The main destinations were France, Belgium, UK, respectively Italy, Hungary and Germany. France ranks number one in that top for the quantitative point of view, on the second position being placed Great Britain. Unlike the PVC windows, wooden export records a relatively steep depreciation in the first period of recession, followed by sporadic and inconsistent increases. In this sense, from a baseline in 2008, in the first year of recession was reported a decline of 8.59%, and in the next 12 months occurs a throughout decrease of 11.55%. Only in 2011 there was a jump of 38.31%, bringing the value to a relatively satisfactory threshold, followed in 2012 by an impairment of 13.93%. In 2013, as stated above, the export depreciated again (-18.34%). Therefore, the contribution of the present values of timber joinery was only 7.56% of the total exports of windows and doors (PVC and wood) and for year 2014 it seems that the situation will not noticeably change.


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