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ANALISYS: Nanotechnologies and traditional materials for modern buildings

The concept of sustainability is strongly connected with the construction field, especially due to energy efficiency regulation regarding the existing buildings and those that will be constructed in the future. This trend has significantly boosted the R&D activities conducted by international corporations, as well by smaller companies. All competitors in the market are willing to rapidly adapt to the demand characteristics and to promote solutions which ensure appropriate behavior of buildings in terms of energy consumption, environmental impact and social dimension. Financial efforts which support innovation are meaningful because the implementation of highly complex research is often costly and unenforceable by a company that does not have a high level of efficiency. The last two decades have brought in construction some innovations that were difficult to imagine even in the recent past. Whether we are talking about high capacity technological machinery and equipments, which has a small degree of toxic emissions, cordless power tools through which you can perform operations that require a high level of energy, advanced techniques of drilling characterized by precision, speed and safety, all of these suggest the multiple possibilities that exist in present times and overcome barriers which seemed insurmountable a few years ago. No one can say what will come in the next period, if the pace of progress is maintained at current rates. Applications of nanotechnology in the field of finishes, materials providing solutions considered incompatible with certain requirements, implementation of advances space technologies - all seem to suggest the idea that progress will be held for a long time from now on. Architects are more interested to take advantage of this momentum and to implement the findings, which may have a decisive contribution by aesthetic and artistic point of view. It can be said that basically the possibilities are endless, and the current European legislation does nothing more but to encourage the development in this direction.


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