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VIVA PLAST: Expansion of portfolio through new aluminum systems

Vias Ltd, whic promote on the international market the brand Viva Plast, reported for 2014 a turnover of 47 millon euro, 9% higher than in teh previous year. On short term, the prognosis are optimistical, base don the recent launching of new aluminum profiles for windows and doors. The general manager of the company Vesko Vasiliev offers more information about this subject.
- How do you intend to strengthen your market position?
-  Throughout the first half of 2015 we have encountered a reduced growth rate. However, the second half of 2015 may be characterized by a very good performance.  The forecast for 2016 indicates a significant growth because recently VIAS Ltd. supplemented its portfolio with production of aluminum profiles for doors and windows as well as the production of industrial profiles.
- Specify the main distribution channels, the sales structure, and the main products promoted lately on international market
- We rely on distributors for the international market (Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, Kaliningrad, Serbia, Macedonia and others) and it is a priority for us to promote the aluminum profile systems on the market. During the previous years, we had developed 60 and 70 mm series Viva Plast PVC profiles and we are currently launching 83 mm version, with 7 chambers. In the beginning of 2016 Viva Aluminum Systems with thermal break of 39 mm (the highest insulating class in Europe) shall be launched on the market.
- How you characterise the activity on Romanian market.
- Vias is present here since 2006, being amongst the few companies that were able to keep the high quality of the products during the recession  and this resulted in a larger market share. We have recorded only growth of our share at national level during all these years. This market may be characterized with a demand of high quality and we are able to provide such. By financial point of view, in 2014 we registered o turnover of 14 million euro, all our partners being commercial companies with which we developed strong partnerships.
- How did you manage to overcome the problems generated by the recession?
- We have applied a bunch of measures, orientated to the main goal, which is the activity efficiency. The most important steps we took were related to the production process optimization, improvement of the deliveries system and cutting any additional costs.
- What expectations do you have regarding the evolution of European windows, doors and curtain wall industry?
- We will put a strong accent on the aluminum profiles. We already posses the most modern and highly technological press for extrusion of aluminum profiles. The press itself and the complete automated line are supplied by Presezzi Extrusion, Italy. The equipment is of highest performance and provided with patented energy-saving system. The vertical powder line of Euroimpianti - Italy is the best class of machinery for preliminary processing (9-level tunnel) and it is equipped with a powder center made by Gema - Switzerland. Everything listed here together with the high quality of all raw materials leads to a final product of an excellent quality. The trend is nowadays oriented  to systems with better insulating characteristics. For this purposes we are offering a façade system which could be equipped with IGU with a thickness of 42 mm.


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