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VITRAROM: Launching the distribution on the Romanian market

Vitrarom, headquartered in the town of Lunca Calnicului (Brașov district), recorded in 2012 a peak of financial performance, reporting sales of over 11 million EUR. In 2014, the turnover reached 9 million EUR, and the prospects of growth on the short and medium term are high, the company managers being optimistic about the impact that the new European regulations on energy efficiency of buildings will exert on the demand for high performance thermal insulating joinery assemblies. Vitrarom has supplied, until now, windows/doors exclusively on the French market, but will become, starting from this spring, an independent firm from Vial Group, ensuring in this way a greater flexibility of the distribution, and a better coverage of production capacity. As a result of an initial investment of 0.6 million EUR, used for the acquisition of a warehouse with an area of 27,000 sqm near Brașov city and a center of production of 3,000 sqm in Târgu Neamț, Vitrarom company has developed fast since 2005 and is involved in a variety of specific production activities. According to the company managers, the main reason that convinced the French entrepreneur to start a business in Romania was that, given the strong distribution network, consisting of more than 25 stores located in France, supplying these with windows / doors became gradually more difficult, given the limitations in technical capacities of the traditional partners. Thus, an upstream development was taken into consideration, which implied the direct involvement in production activities. Due to the identification of a great potential for development in the region of Transylvania, the foundations of a strong industrial center were put in the area, which benefited, among other things, of the intake of highly qualified personnel in this field. Currently, the company has a production capacity of 250 window units/shift on PVC segment, while on wooden assemblies Vitrarom has the possibility to daily manufacture about 400 windows and doors. Recently, the company began to engage in the manufacture of aluminum windows/doors and also started the activity of execution of high security entrance doors.


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