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VEKA: Sales of one billion EUR forecasted for 2015

For Veka Group, 2014 was a period of strengthening the position held on the international market for PVC profiles. The company reported a turnover of 790 million EUR (excluding the positive impact of Gealan takeover). According to Veka's financial experts, if we add here the value of the supplies made by the acquired company during the six months that have passed since the approval of that operation by the European antitrust  authorities, the revenue would reach about 890 million EUR. Under these favorable circumstances, the short-term goal established by the management team consists in overcoming the psychological threshold of one billion EUR. This target is included as an overall objective into the VEKA 2015 strategy, as long as no external disturbance will occur. Veka executive management believes that the results in 2014 reflect a satisfactory situation, given that there were registered insignificant differences compared to the previous year. This upward trend emphasizes that the group is well prepared to react to any process of change that could be generated in the current competitive conditions of the market. In what concerns the second half of the last year, this period was difficult, especially if we look back to the positive results achieved during the first quarter. Basically, with the acquisition of Gealan - an event that took place during the middle period of last year - Veka has managed to stand right in the center of the approaches regarding both the suppliers and the joinery producers. The group managers emphasize that this was a decision that was based on implementing long-term policies. In other words, they set the direction for future development, allowing the group to grow and expand its portfolio in several ways. The transfer of experience will also be extremely valuable for all the concerned parts, even though there will be necessary a cautious approach in what regards the integration matters. Given that this is difficult thing to understand for the outward observers, it is clear for Veka representatives that some procedures require more time to make sure that the result will generate a major benefit for all the partners of the group.


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