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TECHNOLOGY: Overcoming the borders in the building envelopes

Building curtain wall technology has evolved rapidly during the past century and exponentially since 2000. Glazing elements  increasingly bold and which could not even be imagined a few decades ago have become more tangible realities of the world meridians, starting with developed countries and ending with emerging areas in Europe, Asia, North America and South America. Basically, at present, there is hard to find a significant place on the world map which is not distinguished by glass buildings of the most varied shapes and heights. The major challenge for designers of such structures has been lodged by their static and dynamic balance, to which was added the problem difficult to solve of various types of load transfer through the glazing elements of brittle structure. Of course, multiple solutions have been devised and put into practice, and the results are remarkable. Under the current circumstances, one of the most interesting proposals is related to the harmonious aesthetic requirements, which require massive use of glass in the envelopes structure with requirements related to sustainability. The experts immediately identified the potential use of spandrel of photovoltaic panels, given that in that area, feature of transparency is inconclusive, the underside facade being obstructed by concrete slabs between floors. Traditionally, for such segments were used enveloping structural opaque elements made of various types of materials (glass, stone, aluminum composite, etc.), but the actual energy efficiency requirements were optimally folded the situation, exploiting that opportunity by the insertion of renewable energy production systems. Compatibility is assured of common ownership of the two categories of materials - namely opacity. Of course, the constructive solutions proposed by experts are many, but the most efficient consists in the implementation of polycrystalline systems or the ones in the "thin film" category, with different glass structures, from the glazing simple laminated to the double or even three layers of performance materials.


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