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ANALYSIS: Brand creation - a complex variable for joinery companies

For companies active in the windows and doors field, create and maintain the mark (so-called "branding process") should be a central element of the development strategy, culminating functions of communication, imaging, consolidation of market share relative to its main competitors etc. The bluntly assertion of the identity has become a necessity undoubtedly in a period in which the product offer is so diverse, and the user information has increased considerably. The problem is even more difficult to solve, since the experience of local companies in the clotting of a coherent brand was limited so far to shy attempts of customization of their products by taking the names of various types of materials available from suppliers. In the future, is necessary a professional approach, which will involve undoubtedly assume some additional costs. The creation process of a strong brand is difficult, being the result of precise planning and a highly laborious evaluation. Basically, the time of hollowed messages passed, and the slogans behind marks must be precisely targeted and completely covered from a technical standpoint, as the customer trust is hard to gain and incredible easy to lose. Another difficult issue is the budget, much smaller than for suppliers, who have the financial capacity to undertake important expenditure for such actions. Although at first glance may seem exaggerated, the concept of "goodwill" (meaning good reputation in the industry) should be more seriously considered by management companies specialized in the production of windows. This concept, which brings together the essential elements, such as the intrinsic value of the brand, size of portfolio partners and customers, coherent strategy in promoting technological development, possession of valuable technology patents etc. It becomes, in the current era, an important asset, on which often depends very much even the market value of a company. It can be said that the value of a good reputation - whose interface with the market is the brand - exceeding even the corresponding value of all other tangible assets.


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