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SPECTRUM: Advanced technologies for glass processing

Spectrum Industries Company is the largest domestic processor of architectural glass, being equipped with complex machining lines. The most recent investment had targeted the creation of a new security furnace with the processing capacity of glass panels with a length of 8 m, as well as curve / secured models with a radius of up to 1.2 m and a length of 5.5 m (with the possibility of obtaining a minimum radius of 1 m for special glasses). The type of the line is "full convection", which allows the induration of glass sheets with an ε emissivity of up to 0.02. Another new technology is the XXL rolling, which ensures the processing of glazing with dimensions of 9,000 mm x 2,500 mm. Furthermore, the company recently started promoting insulating glass (IGU) for facades, including polycrystalline photovoltaic panels in its structure. The IGU model with antireflection laminated glass is available for special applications. From the financial point of view, the company achieved a turnover of 6 million EUR in 2012. Given the market characterized by severe manifestations of financial indiscipline, the company’s management predicts that, in the next period, most firms specialized in glass processing will go bankrupt, especially those which have not invested in development. Spectrum will continue to focus on ensuring the adequate quality for the promoted products. Nonetheless, as always, those market segments of high-end types will be particularly targeted. Another change of the manufacturing policy is that each project is approached in its entirety, without inserting other activities during its processing. The optimal management of the current economic crisis and the strengthening of the company’s leading position on the profile market are aimed at through that policy. New investments are planned, in the next period, which will allow a significant increase of glass processing capacity destined for the construction of curtain walls with special features. Furthermore, it should also be noted that the development strategy will focus further on the implementation of flexible marketing policies, fitted to the continuous changing of economic situations. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!


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