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CONSULTANCY: Sustainability and rules that support the durability concept

In the past 20 years, the EU legal system for construction has changed a lot, European authorities trying to adapt rapidly to the fulminating evolution of this sector. It is not yet very clear whether the innovation was the item located at the base of normative changes or if the latter dictated the emergence of new products. The fact is that, currently, the segment is at a turning point, whilst the legal framework undergoes essential adjustments and the branch continues to be increasingly affected by the implementation of nonconformist approaches. An outstanding example is the emergence of the so-called phenomenon of sustainability, which gathers more and more attention and raises the interest of international experts. This concept has an obvious influence on the new projects and it is possible that, soon, all its requirements to become mandatory for new constructions. In this context, the new rules of construction products regulation (CPR) will take effect from mid-2013, but discussions on that document are still intense. One of the central issues remains that of assuming full responsibility by manufacturers in what concerns product compliance. Taking into consideration the provisions of CPR, the CE marking is mandatory for those models for which the manufacturer has issued a declaration of performance (PD). The law also determines precisely how the entire process can be carried out for certification of conformity. Regarding PD, it only concerns a product construction, but it is possible to refer to a group of materials, in which case it issues a so-called "uniform statement". Also, the free development of more specific documents relating to different characteristics for the same product is allowed. In terms of time, PD is drawn upon release of the product on specific market. Finally, the presentation form (electronic or physical) generates different interpretations, especially since the IT frame is not yet available. Some discussions also appeared about the exact content of PD, some producers suggesting that a more flexible approach regarding the technical information provided in it is necessary. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!


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