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SMART technologies will spur the elevators global market

Almost 850,000 units: this is the amount of elevators and escalators sold last year on global market, which, according to experts, will reach, in 2019, a value of 121 billion USD. The current assessments indicate that CAGR will reach around 5.9%, and the highest increases will be recorded in the Asian market, and especially in China, where the growth will reach, in the same interval, about 10%. Currently, the industry is positioned at a value between 91 billion and 95 billion USD, one of the factors that will certainly boost the activity in the coming period being represented by the development of intelligent equipment, designed to meet the current requirements for energy efficiency and security. In this context, the advance of the coming years will be generated, most likely, by the "explosion" of products with high added value, which, together with the existing fleet modernization of elevators, will set the direction of long-term development. Local market will have to adapt to this trend, although at present, such a perspective seems far enough. The beginnings were quite timid, and the only one real measure aimed at safety was the mandatory installation of a system of protection under the cabin to prevent slipping the passengers in the well, in case of damage. Current data obtained on the basis of extrapolation, given the absence of financial information available, indicates for local elevator market an aggregate value of approximately 50-60 million euro, of which between 20 and 25 million represents sales of new equipment. Given that the number of units installed is at less than 50,000 elevators, of which 35,000 are facing real problems of technical and moral obsolescence it is clear that the potential for growth is huge, given that the industry would comply with European legislation on safe SNEL - EN 81/80. Unfortunately, the pace of installation stands only at 800 units annually, half of which report in 2008 - the year in which it was reached the maximum development of this sector.


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