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THE BUSINESSES in the joinery field - dependent on the situation in construction

The macroeconomic indicators which reflect, with some exceptions, a stabilization of the business environment, are relatively favorable for companies operating on market of windows and doors and related fields. However, the recent decrease in the volume of construction works jeopardizes the national sales of windows, so that, just as in the recent years, the only activity with an optimal dynamic remains the export. Factors of instability on the local construction market (which, even in the second quarter this year, seems to regained its vitality) were also confirmed by Eurostat figures, which indicate that the sequential decline of 1.7% in terms of volume of work in the second quarter of 2015, was followed in the next three months by an increase of + 1.8%, while in October-December 2015 the upward trend stabilized at 6.4%, after which, in the first quarter this year, was registered a decrease, contrary to initial expectations (-4%). Although the data previously announced indicate that, in the short and even medium term, the recovery of the whole sector continues to be threatened by an imminent risk of reentering in recession. Even if in the second quarter of 2016 the specialists report a sequentially decrease in volume works, because of the period of "calm" between the two points in the election - with positive implications on political, economic and social factors -  will register a slight increase in the solvency of demand for thermal insulating joinery, maintaining, in the worst scenario, the same parameters as in the previous 12 months, making it something more consistent than in the past. Unfortunately, there are not too many hopes on the allocation of additional budgetary funds or absorption of the EU resources, to enable initiation of new construction projects or support works on the existing ones. Anyway, the technocrat government is announcing the signing of loan agreements for co-financing, but acting cautiously due to the moment of the parliamentary elections in autumn.


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