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PRODUCERS: Hoping for the support of the metallic joinery production

The specialized companies now rely on a stabilization of activity, after a year in which the results placed again under the initial expectations - and more losses were recorded in the total turnover of the companies industry - in what concerns the groups involved in the production of windows / doors and aluminium curtain facades. Generally speaking, the estimates can be hazardous in the absence of some major contracts which can justify a recovery, but appear realistic when taking into account that the market of non-residential buildings announced, in the spring of this year, the restart of the activity on the various objectives that were in conservation status up to date. However, such contracts may not be enough, especially since various buildings are stuck at an early stage of implementation and will arrive later at the level of aluminium joinery and / or curtain walls installation. In general, in order for the market to be at the tier of the previous year, manufacturers suggest that the financing of public interest projects must be carried out at least at the scale given by the state and local budgets. Furthermore, after the problems present in 2012, the ensuring of a certain degree of legislative and political stability during this year is a prerequisite for the smooth running of business in an environment characterized by hostility. Thus, for unlocking that segment of the construction sector which companies in the aluminium branch aim at (respectively, the non-residential buildings) some measures - mainly governmental - leading to a more significant participation of foreign investors in Romania, are needed. The increase of the awareness of beneficiaries, usually institutional, is not to be neglected. These beneficiaries should take into account the criteria of performance more than the price. More and more evidence began to emerge in this regard, also from the segment of construction of office buildings (designed for rental). Thus, it was observed that, in the absence of ensuring a high level of comfort, including here as well the installation of performing joinery, many developers / investors risk for their buildings to remain vacant, in the context in which the demands of the future tenants of buildings will grow and an oversupply will be reached. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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