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ANALYSIS: The top ten manufacturers of joinery held 19% of the market

The latest data, drawn from the list with 1,000 manufacturers of windows and doors, 59 companies involved in joinery assembly and 100 manufacturers of glazing (recently updated by the specialized department of the Fereastra magazine), allowed once again an analysis on national and regional parameters related to the dynamics of total revenues, changes in the number of employees, distribution companies and other specific areas. Combined with the import situation of profile systems, fittings and glass, respectively the export of assemblies, the data reflect, with an acceptable degree of accuracy, the current situation and prospects of the entire domestic fenestration market. At a first glance, the research data on companies involved in the production and installation of windows, doors and/or curtain walls prove that the early years of the economic crisis had a strong impact their work. It should be noted however that there are many changes from previous studies, regarding the situation in the industry companies. As stated above, in the range 2012-2014, substantial changes occurred in the structure of the most important companies, which outlines virtually developments in the sector of windows which were originally presented in 2013 in a special edition, continued in various forms including date this year. As a novelty, in preparing the ranking of the first 500 companies  were considered only the  valid answers, in order to increase accuracy. Among the 1,100 companies producing windows and insulating glass, taken as a percentage of 100%, the top ten companies hold 19% of the market, achieving an average turnover (for the period 2012 - 2014) totaling 129 million euro. Also, if the ranking is extended to the top 25 manufacturers, they reported 201 million euro, representing 30% of the sales of the 1,100 firms, placed at 664 million euro. This latest average value threshold is, moreover, market's size in three years. Finally, the companies selected for the Top 500 was evidenced by average sales of 525 million euro (79% of total), so it can be considered that they are representative of the entire industry.


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