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ANALYSIS: New perspectives for the companies in the fenestration industry

According to analysts, the resignation of Victor Ponta cabinet will not mean - automatically - end of economical growth in Romania, if the members of the new Executive made up of technocrats and headed by Dacian Cioloş take the appropriate measures to maintain the current upward trend and even increase the pace of growth. Although at the beginning of the political crisis several international experts - whose neutrality can not be questioned - explained that, in the absence of clear solutions to solve the situation, the Romanian economy will certainly be affected, presently spirits were calmed. Investor confidence in our economy, which will induce a positive trend on construction market (and consequently in windows and doors sector) is placed currently at high levels, amid the reality that in the next interval, domestic consumption will continue to advance, which will make less likely a visible slowdown in the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Regarding future governance of an technocrat Executive, state investments are likely to accelerate and become relatively significant in volume, with positive effects on private investment and of course the whole economy. Thus, this milestone could bring another economic paradigm, with clear benefits to the sector of fenestration. Also attracting European funds - especially for the national program for thermal rehabilitation - should be on the priority list of the Cioloş team. However, given the necessary political support in Parliament for every bill proposed by the new Government and the need to conduct negotiations between technocrats and - at least - the major parties, especially since there is a majority to support unconditionally projects government, it is possible to identify a so-called "middle way" envisaged by many analysts to represent, in fact, a balance between investment and the budget for social protection. It must not be forget that the government of technocrats has a term of one year, until the parliamentary elections, after which will again issue an executive with an exclusively political mandate.


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