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ANALYSIS: Potential increases of 10% on paints and gypsum plasterboard sectors

The Romanian market of architectural paints and varnishes grew by 5%-10% in 2015, compared to 2014, to about 160-170 million euro, data confirmed by most managers in the area. For the period 2016-2020, the main suppliers of paints and varnishes expect an annual development of about 10%. The increase in 2015 was due to a slight rise of demand in the DIY segment, an also to the buildings rehabilitation works and to new residential projects. In the next five years can be achieved a growth rate of 10%, as the investments, GDP and purchasing power of the population will continue to increase. Regarding the local market of gypsum plasterboards, it is estimated at about 110 million euro per year, the trend of the industry being, also, upward.
On the Romanian markets of architectural paints and gypsum plasterboards, there are few information available regarding the actual dimension of each sector, the data presented being compiled using statistic data, imports as reported to the custom houses in Romania and other opinions of the managers of the leader companies in the field. Also, most of the demand in the two sectors is due to the renovation projects, but it can be notified an important recovery of the sales for new construction projects. That trend will reverse in 2016 and 2017, due to the large number of projects under construction that would be completed in the next two years. Additionally, sales of gypsum plasterboards and suspended ceilings will be sustained by the delivery of about 700,000 sqm of office buildings this year, only in Bucharest. In terms of design, trends in recent years have seen an increase in customer preference for the use of colored paints for interior design (yellow, orange, pale green, etc.) as the use of simple white paints continues to be predominant.


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