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ANALYSIS: Metal constructions sector will exceed 300 million euro, in 2016

The Romanian sector of systems for metal constructions (halls, metal roofing and insulating panels) increased by 10%-12% in 2015 compared to the previous year, to about 280 million euro, while forecasts indicate the sector will exceed 300 million euro this year. Regarding the insulating panels, assessed by the Romanian executives in the sector, it reached 90-95 million euro and 4.5 million square meters in 2015 and will also grow in 2016, while the sales in the metal roofing domain will also increase this year, but will not exceed the threshold of 100 million euro. According to the opinions of the top suppliers on the metal constructions sector, in the first nine months of 2016 these domains have experienced major developments compared to the same period in 2015, mainly due to the continuous growth of the Romanian construction market, especially in terms of commercial buildings (office, retail, logistic etc.), which are executed mainly on metal structures. On the Romanian market of metal construction, insulating panels and metal roofing are active about 65 companies, which summed up to a turnover of 475 million euro. It should be noted, however, that the analyzed companies are involved both in production/ distribution and import/ export of systems, and that these statistics include sales and commercial operations with other construction products or specific services rendered. According to the professionals in metal construction, the specific sector revealed, in the last months, two trends of development, one focusing on developing logistic centers with very large areas, built by international developers, and other channeled into demand for buildings with reduced surfaces, related to the investments of small entrepreneurs with funding from grants. According to available data, the current price of steel is about 450-500 euro/ ton, depending on the type of products.


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