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AUTOMATION sector is adapting to the fire resistance requirements

The global market of automatic systems for doors and gates will record between 2016 - 2022, according to the latest assessment, a composite growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% per year. Deliveries in 2015 totaled 11.5 billion USD and it is expected that at the end of the review period, sales to reach 17.8 billion USD, corresponding to a level of more than 20 million operators. The increases will be generated, according to experts, by the urban infrastructure projects and office buildings. A decisive factor that will influence the demand will be constituted by imposing more stringent requirements in terms of safety, security and accessibility. From this point of view, a special attention will be given to further facilitate the access of persons with various disabilities. The most important competitors on the market have already adapted to the respective requirements and propose the most interesting solutions. One of the greatest interest that currently attract the attention of the specialists consists of ensuring an acceptable level of safety along the escape routes. The tragedies that have occurred in recent years including in Romania and which have resulted in numerous fatalities and casualties, especially during fires, led both companies and public authorities to take a series of corrective measures in order to reduce and, where possible, eliminate the risk. Thus, increased the demand of solutions which dynamically adapts to protection requirements. Of course, the level of technology has facilitated the R&D experts to combine various results of previous research and to integrate them into finished products and systems that comply with the provisions of current legislation on protection against fire. Those efforts almost certainly will not stop here, and in the next period will be launched improved models, whose technical characteristics will decisively contribute to the common objective: full protection of beneficiaries and complete cancellation of risks.


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