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ANALYSIS: Increase of investors' interest for intelligent lighting solutions

The Romanian market of products for electrical installations and automations, assessed by the managers of the leading companies in the field at about 600 million euro in 2015, will increase by 10% per year since 2020, given the upward trend in the construction sector and industry. About 130-150 million euro from the total electrical installations market represents the low voltage components (lighting objects and electrical materials), while the residential sector generated a demand valued at about 55-60 million euro, in 2015. Furthermore, the specialized companies are continuously developing lighting objects and systems using LED technology. The sales of LED systems in Romania is increasing every year, starting from 8 million euro in 2013 to over 15 million euro in 2014 and 25-30 million euro in 2015. The strong upward trend of the sector will continue in the next period, with an estimated annual growth rate above the average of the Romanian electrical installations and automations sector.
A significant share of the electrical installations demand comes from the construction sector, which followed a strong growth trend in 2015, for the first time since the economic crisis. In Romania, there are 18 active manufacturers of electrical installation materials (cables, lighting objects etc.) that reported for 2015 a total turnover of 460 million euro, there are also 60 importers and distributors (with sales that totaled 619 million euro in 2015) and about 1,100 firms specialized in the construction and design of electrical installations (with annual revenues of 2.5 billion euro). It should be specified, however, that the total turnovers of the analyzed companies include revenues from other activities, such as sales of systems for automation, security and control, and execution of various types of construction works. Also, according to the Romanian Regulation Authority for Energy (ANRE), more than 2,000 companies and over 16,800 individuals are authorized to carry out electrical works. 


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