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Technical innovations presented at specialized exhibitions

Nowadays, the modern requirements regarding the concept of energy efficiency are in the general focus all over the world, whether specialists or ordinary people. On the international construction sector, the concerns related to sustainability (because this is the central concept in discussion) are even bigger, given the direct implications of the new version of EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) 31/2010/EC. This is the reason why a real emulation between international system suppliers has begun, that would intend to promote products well adapted to the high level of customer requirements. As the specialists have noticed earlier (mainly, designers and architects working in specialized offices from highly developed countries), the difference between the current situation and the one registered 20 years ago is that in the past the technical solutions were limited, and the options for designers were expressed between a small number of solutions. Nowadays, the innovation rate is enormous, and it is practically impossible to assimilate all information about new solutions promoted on the market. In order to accomplish an analysis from this point of view, it is legitimate to present some information related to the most interesting products launched lately on the specialized market, or the systems which already proved their performances by using it into the practical applications along many decades. In fact, despite an apparent maximum degree of diversity characterizing the current offer on the market, the measurable and actual benefits are provided only by systems supplied by recognized companies. They have the capacity and the necessary resources in the field of research/development to sustain such a process. Next, are presented information about new technologies launched on several trade fairs (of which the most important is Vienna-Tec 2012) or the ones that will be launched in the next period, at the most important events in the construction field - Bau and Bauma, that will be organized in 2013 by Messe München. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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