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TERAPLAST SA completes turnaround and resumes growth

Teraplast SA, leading supplier of infrastructure solutions and systems for constructions, achieved in the first nine months of 2012 a turnover of RON 197.73 mio (9% above the first nine months of last year) and an operating profit of RON 5.73 mio (with RON 9.52 mio more than 2011). The net result was slightly negative (RON 1.36 million), but improved by RON 5.59 mio, as compared to the same period of the previous year. During the last 18 months, Teraplast implemented a comprehensive operational and financial restructuring program aimed at developing certain business lines with growth and profitability potential (production of PVC profiles, production of windows and doors and production of PVC granules), while at the same time discontinuing, converting, or spinning off declining, or collateral business lines. During the same period, Teraplast accelerated its efforts to converted into cash real estate and other assets, less utilized after the re-location to the Teraplast Industrial Park of all production facilities and offices. Stefan Bucataru, CEO of Teraplast: „Despite an extremely volatile economic climate, both at home and in the rest of Europe, Teraplast performed well, during the first nine months of the year. Sales increased as compared to last year and profitability improved conspicuously. At present, we can declare the turnaround program finalized and the profitable growth course resumed. Teraplast is on solid foundations and the company will perform well in the long-run and it will bring value to its shareholders.”
The 9% increase in the overall turnover, registered by Teraplast during the first nine months of this year, was sustained by the substantial growth achieved in the business segments slated for development: production of windows and doors (+70%), production of PVC granules (+57%) and production of PVC profiles (+31%). The solutions for infrastructure and installations segment (which represented 35% of the company’s turnover during the first nine months) increased only by 1%, due to the slowdown in infrastructure project financing, especially those projects funded by the European Union. The evolution of the company’s core business segments was above the accordant markets, which registered decreases, or stagnation. A noteworthy development in the structure of the company’s revenue was the development of export sales, which increased by 52%, during the first nine months of 2012, as compared to last year and got to represent over 15% of the company’s turnover, as compared to 11% last year. To download the complete 9th months financial report of Teraplast SA, click here!


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