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GEWISS, 22% sales growth in the first half

Gewiss Romania, the local subsidiary of the Italian group Gewiss - a world leading supplier of systems and components for low voltage electrical installations - reported a 22% increase in turnover in the first half of this year. According to the company data, that dynamics should be maintained until the end of the current year. Due to the focus on innovation, the Italian group successfully realised many complex projects, and currently has five divisions with a portofolio of over 20,000 products and 500 patents associated. In Romania, Gewiss operates on a market estimated at 180 million euro per year, and the estimates indicates an increase of 5% in 2014 and 7% in 2015. Currently, the products delivered by Gewiss are functional in big shopping malls, retail shops and luxury holes all across Romania. According to Gewiss, 2013 brought more of a stagnation in the volume of products in the field of electrical materials, and also an average price growth that caused slight progress in the field. For 2014, Dan Roşu, the general manager of Gewiss Romania, estimates an increase of about 5% on the local electrical material, followed in 2015 by a possible advance of 7%. The company sales in the first half of 2014 exceeded initial estimates, therefore the annual budget of Gewiss was revised upwards. Starting this summer, the company's activity focuses on promoting new industrial LED lighting products, Smart4 range. It is a revolutionary technology based on light-emitting diode (LED) for commercial and industrial applications. The solution is based on a system optimized lighting, in which light is produced with a high yield and used at maximum. The new products range exploit all of the LED technology, which allows increased energy savings of 50% to 80%, and optimal visual comfort. High performance optical systems (such as reflectors and lenses) and the availability of multiple configurations make Smart4 a strategic tool for minimizing costs and maximizing the lighting performance. Manufacturing processes and materials used meet the latest requirements of sustainability (rationalization of resources and minimizing environmental impact).


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