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ANALYSIS: The aluminum systems suppliers strengthen their market share

After the unprecedented depreciation of sales in the first year of recession, the specific market segment of providers of aluminum systems used in the manufacture of thermal insulating windows and the execution of curtain facades recorded lately a special activity trend in comparison with other sectors of the window branch. The trend is confirmed by the fact that the main macroeconomic indicators of the building construction sector (including the non-residential buildings in the area, which the enveloping elements of this type are used primarily) indicate a relatively sustainable progress of work volume. Thus, in the previous 12 months, there were noted efforts made by major companies in the field in order to stabilize the supplies in terms of value and / or quantitative aspect and this was reflected both by the managers of the most significant manufacturers, importers or distributors of aluminum systems as well as by certain statistics about profiles imported from abroad. Given this, although the results recorded in 2014 by the market of aluminum systems can be considered remarkable, especially at a time when, at least in the first half, the construction industry was in a technical recession, the accurate information regarding joinery production and / or the execution of curtain walls are difficult to quantify in the absence of data on export of such assemblies. As it is known, this indicator cannot be accurately assessed only on the basis of an inaccurate coding (with a general view) because the aluminum joinery, curtain facades and special constructions etc. are included, most likely, in the industrial section of metal clothing. However, it can be assumed that the decrease in quantity and value of the imports of systems can also be found in what concerns the finished assemblies. As in 2013, the national profile market continued to be marked by the ongoing dismantling - close to dissolution - of the number of major real estate projects in which metal profiles are used. The suppliers confirmed, without any doubt, that the biggest share of works is owned by the small or average-sized projects.


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