Coșul este gol

ANALYSIS: Optimal premises for the panels segment

For companies which activate in the market for panels and doors' hardware, 2013 and the first eight months of 2014 still represent a period of adjustment to the requirements of the beneficiaries. This fact is a direct consequence of the mobility and diversity of these categories. The most companies in the industry managed, by enhancing the export operations, to solve somehow the problem of the fluctuating internal demand. As a result, the most significant companies in the field have experienced a different business results compared with the joinery manufacturers. Therefore, if the suppliers/ distributors of panels/ doors' hardware had faced, in the first year of recession, the various problems arising from lack of orders, then they were able to recover the initial losses and then to enter on an upward trend, which was visible including in 2013. Lately, the orientation of many beneficiaries (joinery manufacturers) for deliveries on external markets and providing panels in other European Union countries have broadly stabilize the turnover in the industry. Afterward, it followed a period of ascent, which was possible regardless of the socio-political and economical conditions of the present. Based on the initial list of 99 companies specialized in supplying accessories used for doors execution, namely fasteners, decorative panels and door sills, are outlined several aspects relevant to each sector. In 2013, unlike the income reported by other suppliers in the industry, the situation on the analyzed segment was good, but the most significant increase was recorded in the panels' delivery. This market has registered almost a double increase compared to the one reported in the previous year (on average 9.6%), while fasteners has increased again and the sills improved the sales value by 1%. Analyzing the opinions of managers involved in the branch, the first conclusion is that, in the medium and long term, the producers will focus attention more strongly in the direction of expansion of both domestically (where possible) and especially export markets, so as to create the conditions necessary for sustainable development after the completion of the recession.


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