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PROJECT managers, between a limited freedom of action and professional insurance

Through the adoption of Law no. 177/2015 in force already since 12 months and which amended Law no. 10/1995 on construction quality, the legislator established that checking the quality of work performed for construction of buildings and interventions in existing buildings for which construction permits are issued, is mandatory and carried out through authorized site inspectors. Currently, data provided by the State Inspectorate for Constructions - ISC, as an institution which play the role to authorize people who want to become site inspectors, certify that the register of supervisors includes 14.010 such experts (active or inactive), with various domains of authorization, for one, several or all classes of constructions and this number is growing. There are several opinions according to which, once adopted the obligation of contracting the services of a project supervisor (except the single-storied buildings in the countryside), the number of these specialists is either too high or too low, compared to the actual volume of works executed in Romania. According to the authorization procedure for project supervisors, approved by MDRT Order No. 1496/2011, amended and supplemented later, there are several types of licenses, but the most common are, according to experts, the ones with unlimited validity, issued under the provisions of the authorization procedure for project supervisors IGS, approved by Order no. 154/2010 and by the mentioned above. Moreover, ISC took only in two occasions punitive measures involving deprivation of the right to operate, followed by the final decisions of the courts of law. The usual sanctions were warnings and temporary suspensions. Also, in the current register, the oldest active permits were issued (renewed) in 2010. The only method suitable to set the value indicators which to reflect the size of the segment would be based on the recommended average fee reported on Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, which stands at 1.5% of a project's value.


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