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PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES: A veritable barometer for industry

One of the major gears, ensuring the necessary dynamics of the construction sector is the industry of machinery and equipments. Being itself a genuine high precision measurement instrument that shapes the evolution of the activity in the field, the demand for such products is used by company managers to configure the development strategies, distribution networks, pricing policies, and so on. Basically, the way it alters the equilibrium of that market it is particularly useful to analyze the overall situation of the industry and to develop plans to ensure improved economic efficiency. In this context, innovation has a vital role as it ensures dynamism for a field of an utmost importance, ensuring at the same time adapting to the demands of increasingly stringent legislation regarding sustainability. All this causes that field to be permanently in attention of the experts, novelties launched on the market being analyzed and classified, and their impact on business efficiency carefully calculated. Year 2014 was marked by a number of innovations, some of which have attracted the attention of international experts. They represent true landmarks that will be used in the near future as technological standards. One of the most interesting solutions proposed by a major supplier in this field is the excavation equipment Volvo EC250E, equipped with engines which respect the Tier 4 final requirements. Thanks to that improvement, the hydraulic system increased by 5% in terms of fuel efficiency, ECO mode automatically reducing this parameter without affecting overall equipment effectiveness. The operator also has the option to manually control operations using integrated working system. The power of the new engine reaches 240 hp at 1,800 rev/minute, the maximum dig depth being around seven meters. The lifting capacity is the 9.3 tons. The machine features a system management tool, which includes settings for 20 different solutions. Also the control panel in the cab allows the operator to easy oversee the navigation and quick select the special function to be activated, depending on the requirements of each task.


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Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
- Informaţii despre noi investiţii, lucrări, licitaţii şi şantiere;
- Declaraţii şi comentarii ale principalilor factori de decizie /formatori de opinie;
- Sinteza unor studii de piaţă realizate de către organizaţii abilitate;
- Date despre noile produse şi tehnologii lansate pe piaţă.

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